Earth Day and OKI – Are you Solar Ready?

A quick update here for on Earth Day…  I am the City’s representative for the OKI Board of Directors.  For those not close to the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI), it is a collection of local governments, business organizations, and community groups that develop strategies largely around transportation and infrastructure projects.

OKI has final authority over all federal dollars spent on surface transportation in the region – each year OKI approves roughly $40 million in funding for projects in the region.

Springdale projects have benefited from OKI assigned funding many times – take the upcoming road work on Northland – the bulk of the ~$3 Million dollar project comes through these grants.

This past Board of Directors meeting one of the teams highlighted a number of applications they have built available at the OKI website.  Two Highlighted apps for Earth day:

Tree for Me

This application lets you use any given address get an estimate on storm-water and energy benefits of planting a tree.  The application lets you pick specific tree types and place them on a map and see the tree at full size and get estimates on energy savings and environmental impact.

OKI “Tree for Me” example from


Solar Rooftop Potential

A second Earth day theme app to highlight is the Solar Rooftop potential application.  OKI has a “Solar Ready” program to help residential and governments take advantage of growing efficiency of Solar renewable energy.

This Solar App takes advantage of information available for homes and businesses in the OKI region – things like roof slope, blocking buildings, trees and similar to give estimates on the possible benefits of Solar at a given site.

OKI “Tree for Me” example from

Happy Earth Day!

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