Regular Council Meetings, October – November 2019

Council met in October and November for regular meetings.  Highlighted items of business included:

  • Urban Forestry Update
  • Springrose Update

Urban Forestry Update

Did you know Springdale has maintained a “tree” fund in the annual budget?  How it works is when sites around Springdale get developed, commercial developers pay into the fund in lieu of replacing themselves for the ones they remove.  The City maintains these funds in an account used to replace and add new trees around Springdale.  In 2017 Pictoria Drive development paid in  $38,000 and the Springdale Commerce Park (former GE Park) will add another ~$187,000 between 2019-2020.

The public works department presented a plan to update replace several of the existing Bradford Pear trees on Route 4.  These tree are now considered an invasive species and sales will be stopping soon in Ohio.  The trees have overgrown their existing space and are affecting the sidewalks and road travel.

Public Works presented a plan to replace these trees with a species of Zelkova tree (like the one seen in the picture from my neighborhood).

These trees are very hearty and well suited for our city.  As we continue to build out a master plan for the City – tree diversity will be a part of it.  These are significant investments (thousands per tree) and a variety of types will both enhance the look of our city while also diversifying the tree stock in case of another disease or pest outbreak hits (think Asian Longhorn Beetle).  I am such a believer I made screen prints!


Springrose Development Update

The Springrose development continues to make quick progress putting up some impressive homes.  As part of this development the City is working with the developers to make it easier for the new Springdale families to make their special improvement assessment payments that covers the new infrastructure the developer put in… things like new roads and sidewalks.  As is typical of these public – private partnerships the City is working with the developer and the Port Authority to get the needed board and taxing authorities in place.  Over several meetings we helped establish the needed Springrose Community Authority and assigned members to the new board.  Everything should be in place to have homes start to close later this year.


What do you think?  Let your elected officials know!

email and phone numbers of all your City Council members are online –


City Administration as well –


Connect with your Neighbors –

Related Links

Note – on July 31, 2023 Springdale released a new website and previous links were not maintained as well as many minutes and agendas offline.

Past Minutes and Agendas:
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Previous Links:

ICRC Meeting Recording Link (10/2), Link (10/16), Link (11/6), Link (11/20)

Written Minutes Link (10/2), Link (10/16), Link (11/6), Link (11/20)
Agenda Link (10/2), Link (10/16), Link (11/6), Link (11/20)

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