Regular Council Meeting, 10/17/18

City Council met for its second regular meeting of October on 10/17 with several items on the agenda related to Mayors Court as well as the first hearing for the Springrose subdivision re-zoning.

On Springrose there was no significant discussion, though discussion and a vote are expected at the next Council meeting on 11/7.  As I described in the 8/14 planning meeting I have a positive outlook on the development though am certainly open to hearing from others in the next meeting.

Related to Mayor’s Court all the new contracts were confirmed (magistrate, prosecutor, and public defender) with 7-0 votes on magistrate and prosecutor and a 6-1 vote on the public defender.  I was the dissenting vote on the public defender as I outlined in the meeting I have concerns about the lack of Practice focus for the new defender as their experience to date has almost exclusively been in family law (the magistrate and prosecutor have significant experience in criminal law).  I believe this lack of experience puts a burden on the magistrate and prosecutor and could have negative outcomes for folks that may need to draw on the public defenders services.  That being said the administration feels strongly that the new attorney is up to the challenge and will provide robust service.


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