Regular Council Meeting, 7/11/2018

City Council met for its first regular meeting of July on 7/11/2018.  This was a rescheduled meeting originally for the 4th of July – moved due to the holiday.  The agenda was light with the key item to highlight and comment on:

  • PUD Update for Princeton Plaza

PUD Update for Princeton Plaza

For some time the old Princeton Bowl has been closed.  As was discussed at the 6/20/2018 meeting the property owner was at the Council meeting having already gone through Planning Committee with a proposed set of changes to the planned uses to allow for the property to be redeveloped as a “Flex Space” that would allow a number of different business to use the space for light commercial / industrial use cases.

Two drawings of the proposed space:

Following the past meeting the property owner had additional discussions on requested use cases for this space.  You can see the requested list here:

and the city administration recommended list here:

I support the concept of ‘flex’ space as it allows small and startup businesses to access convenient and affordable locations to build and grow.  I feel there needs to be some controls to prevent the whole apace from being taken up by a single business (then it stops being a shared flex space but a single use location).  The space also needs to balance flexibility with controls to protect nearby residential and retail space – such as zoning code “Performance Standards” which describe things like material handling specs and safety measures like occupancy and parking.  After more discussion between Council and the owner the PUD was updated to include the entirety of the city administration recommended list (above) with the understanding that if other use cases are needed the owners could come back through Planning (and Council if needed) 5-1 with Mr. Vanover on the negative and Mrs. Emerson absent.


What do you think?  Let your elected officials know!

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Note – on July 31, 2023 Springdale released a new website and previous links were not maintained as well as many minutes and agendas offline.

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