Some of you may know I grew up in Springdale’s Heritage Hill subdivision and my parents still live there. A few times a week I find myself driving by the former GE Park (now Springdale Commerce Park?) and even being on City Council I have a lot of open questions about the development. Since any final development plans for this location will constitute a “Major” change to the planned use after the proposal will come before City Council for approval before proceeding.
I have been at the last couple planning committee meeting to listen first hand and I wanted to share my questions so far and what I have learned.
A few point to open:
- The zoning decision proceeded some time ago from residential to industrial mixed use, unless there are significant and unexpected developments the use for this property will remain in the spirit of the new planned use.
- The location is adjacent to significant numbers of Springdale family homes (both condos and single family). I do not believe current guidelines for industrial / warehouse buildings sufficiently protect these residents use of their properties as I do not believe they anticipate this use adjacent to residential homes – but they do establish a good baseline and set of minimums.
- The location is already adjacent to as significant transportation corridor that includes trucking so the transition is natural – the increased use does warrant scrutiny.
In short:
This is a industrial use near residential area so we need to make sure the new tenants are setup for success as good neighbors.

Questions and Concerns:

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