Regular Council Meeting, 1/3/18

City Council met for it’s first regular session on the new year January 3rd.  A light agenda to start the year – though looking ahead at what is likely coming through planning committee things will be picking up soon (more on that soon).

The agenda included four resolutions in two areas for consideration:

  • Year End Appropriations, Investing Municipal Funds, and County Payments
  • Zoning Change for the Calvary Pentecostal Church Facility


Three ordinances were reviewed one final set of transfers for end of year budgets, one authorizing the request of advanced payments from the Hamilton county auditor, and a renewed authorization to invest municipal funds not needed in the immediate term.

Calvary Zoning Change

The property on Kenn road that was the previous site of Temple Baptist Church was purchased by the Calvary Pentecostal Church across the street to be used with the K-12 school they offer.  The current property is zoned RSH-L (residential single household low density) – as I understand it Church facilities are permitted in any zoning district.  A school (and possible daycare) would require the zoning to switch to PF (Public Facilities).  The Church presented at the planning committee prior and recommended approval (zoning changes require City Council approval).  There was discussion on if a full zoning change was required or if a conditional use permit would be sufficient – rezoning to PF would carry through the life of the property until changed so while this owner intends it to be a continuation of the work they are already doing across the street if they were to sell the property later PF allows a number of other uses that must be considered.

This was the first reading of the proposed change (public hearing) and should be voted on at the next session.


One Last Item

A Sneak Peak at the new Fire Engine! (Sorry for the quality – this is a picture of a picture sent by the Chief who was working on taking delivery…)

Related Links

ICRC Meeting Recording Link
Written Minutes (when available)
Agenda Link


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Related Links

Note – on July 31, 2023 Springdale released a new website and previous links were not maintained as well as many minutes and agendas offline.

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