A big ‘Thank You!‘ to everyone who helped throughout the campaign and everyone who came out to vote.
It was a great pleasure to meet with so many neighbors leading up to the election. Over the next few weeks I will be updating this site to follow through on my commitment for communications and transparency to make it easier to see what council and I are working on.
In the meanwhile feel free to reach out over email or the contact form if there is something on your mind about the City and City Services.
– Jeffrey Anderson
What do you think? Let your elected officials know!
email and phone numbers of all your City Council members are online – https://www.springdale.org/city-council/page/meet-your-city-council
City Administration as well –
Connect with your Neighbors –
Related Links
Note – on July 31, 2023 Springdale released a new website and previous links were not maintained as well as many minutes and agendas offline.
Past Minutes and Agendas: https://www.springdale.org/meetings/recent
Upcoming meetings: https://www.springdale.org/meetings
Request Public Records: https://www.springdale.org/living-springdale/page/public-records-access