City Council met for its second regular meeting of May on 5/16/2018. The big news on the agenda related to the old Sheraton Hotel site where all the work to prepare and market the site has finally reached an offer that makes a lot of sense for the City! In addition to the property sales ordinance we also reviewed the parking PUD change for the mall (which passed) as well as an administrative item related to which Workers Compensation group rating program the City will be a part for 2019 (the Public Treasurers Group).
11911 Sheraton Lane Contract (Emergency Clause)
As part of a multi-year effort to redevelop the location of the former Sheraton hotel the city went through a great deal of effort to purchase the property and prepare it for re-development. This included demolition and other site work as well as an extensive RFP process to find the right development partner for this work. This is a very visible location right at Rt. 4 and so close to I-275! The city is currently holding debt related to the purchase of this property and the proposed contract covers the current debt load in full. The City retains rights around the development plan for this site so this will not be the last we hear about the location. I am excited to see the development work progress as the site continues its makeover. The Ordinance related to the sale contract has the emergency clause due to the timing required for the agreement. This passed 5-1 with Mr Hawkins not voting due to potential conflict related to a family member being employed at a related subsidiary of the developer.
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